Plant-based food: Everything about nuts, seeds, lentils and more tasty meat substitutes!

In the theme of sustainability, the issue of eating or not eating meat and other animal products often arises. While most people used to be enthusiastic about a good entrecote, more and more people these days are enjoying tofu or tempeh. These two plant-based products are good examples of tasty meat substitutes. Dishes made with chickpeas, nuts, seeds or lentils as meat substitutes are also popular. In this article, we provide an overview of these plant-based all-rounders and all the benefits that come with them!

Nuts and seeds

Most people have long known that nuts and seeds are good for you, but do you know why? Nuts and seeds consist mainly of fat. Don't panic! These are healthy fats (unsaturated fatty acids). In addition, nuts and seeds are rich in protein and are linked to lower cholesterol levels. This in turn reduces the risk of certain chronic diseases. You don't have to eat a lot of nuts and seeds because they give a long-lasting feeling of fullness; a handful a day is enough. Eating nuts and seeds can help reduce hunger, so you will generally eat less.


Lentils come from the pods of a lentil plant and therefore fall under the category of legumes. In addition to being versatile, sustainable and nutritious, lentils have even more healthy benefits. Lentils contain gut-friendly fibers that promote the growth and survival of good bacteria in the intestines. Like nuts and seeds, lentils can also help lower cholesterol levels. The soluble fibers bind with bile salts in the intestine, ultimately causing the bile salts to leave your body. A nice bonus: Lentils stimulate the growth of your nails and hair. They also contain nutrients for healthy skin! What more could you want? Swap that animal burger for a lentil burger right away!


Chickpeas, like lentils, are a legume and are packed with healthy nutrients. Chickpeas stand out in the fact that they also contain important minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Chickpeas are packed with fiber and protein, which makes you feel full after eating them. Throughout the day, you will have less hunger after eating chickpeas, so you will snack less. Perfect for maintaining a healthy weight. Another great advantage: Chickpeas are super cheap and available everywhere.

Sustainable packaging

All of these plant-based products are now being processed into all kinds of meat substitutes: lentil burgers, nut burgers, chickpea patties and so on! Incredibly tasty and even more sustainable than meat! Of course, these sustainable dishes also deserve beautiful sustainable packaging. Take a look at our digital shelves for sustainable paper bags, sugarcane snack boxes, cardboard bowls and more!